Video Song: "Set it on Fire " - Rooftop
Hey Guys,
Song of the week - Wicked Games - Weeknd (He is on fireeee)
I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial weekend! Can you believe we are already in June?! Why is this year going by so fast? =( lol
So let's play catch up…We’ve currently been working with a couple of clients, Eddie Palmieri, Johnny Walker, the new Copacabana and much much moreee! Our latest client was Award-Winning Journalist, Sandra Guzman! Latinas would consider her as the Goddess of Latina empowerment! We were honored to help her with the book launch/reading of The New Latina's Bible at Borders Columbus Circle. Ms. Guzman discussed her book, with Oscar-nominated actress Rosie Perez and CEO of El Diario, Rossana Rosado! She even gave us a shoutout (Check our video out). We felt extremely flattered to be acknowledged by a powerful woman like herself. Her book explores and touches issues that us Latinas encounter on a everyday basis. I’m not done reading the book yet, but I can tell all you striving Latinas out there its worth the read! It can be a life changing experience.
“I wrote The New Latina’s Bible with a simple desire: to inspire Latinas to feel joyous about their culture, to understand that they mattered, that they are beautiful and intelligent and that they could dream big and achieve the unimaginable. I hoped that this one stop, no-nonsense resource guide to everything Latina would help them see that their heritage was a gift not a burden. And, that our way of healing and dealing with life – experienced through the unique prism that is our culture – was indeed a blessing.” – Sandra Guzman
Ahh! She is truly inspirational, a living angel. She is the voice for every Latina out there, she writes from the heart and soul, which makes her words so relatable. After the reading (which was a Sex chapter ;) ) we headed over to the afterparty at the Empire Hotel (Rooftop)! Everyone wanted to talk to the Latina goddess of the hour. We managed to take a pic with Sandra and get our book signed :) while mingling in the VIP. It was a great turn out. I couldn’t stay for long because I had a flight to Miami to catch.
I left Jessica for the whole weekend, longest time we ever been apart =( lol. Miami was my mini-getaway, it was great to just relax and clear my mind. It’s essential to do that once in a while, especially when you have more than 2 jobs to handle -_-. My last day at Miami was pretty random. I was tanning on the beach when a bunch of paparazzi were snapping away right in front of us. Someone yelled “Its Lindsay Lohan” – Yes, I’m not ashamed to say I’m a Lohan supporter…granted she has been in trouble for the past couple of years and she has no one to blame but herself, I still feel for her. Anyway, the Mean Girl actress sat right in front of us. Its so funny because when I was younger I always said I was going to meet her or bump into her. I had to steal a mini-scene with her. After she blew off the annoying paparazzi, I went up to her and told her to stay strong and not to quit! (I really want her to have a comeback like Britney Spears!) She shook my hand and genuinely appreciated what I said. I didn’t want to bother her with pics but my friends, took some shots of us interacting. Hang in their Lohan!!! She actually had a photoshoot for Plum Magazine at the Raleighi Hotel right next to where we were staying, the Continental.
When I got back Jessica and I went to the private launch of NYC’s most exciting new mobile restaurant “The Camarena Taco Truck”. The tacos were absolutely scrumptious! I had to sneak two more into my tummy! They were infused by familia Camarena Tequila. There was Tequila galore! There were shots ready upon arrival, signature cocktails and cupcakes filled with this smooth tequila. #CamarenaTequila = My new best friend lol.
Last but not least, shoutout to our second home SAZON RESTAURANT; my boss Genaro Morales has filed a discrimination lawsuit. Unfortunately the neighbors and board don’t really want us there and are finding every way possible to close us down. Its very unfortunate! I hope this racism stops :/ Don’t forget to support Sazon!
xo, Samantha Vargas
Song of the week - Wicked Games - Weeknd (He is on fireeee)
What's Up!
For the past few weeks, we've been working with award-winning journalist, Sandra Guzmán in preparing for the highly anticipated launch of her new book The New Latina's Bible. All our hardwork paid off and resulted in an amazing book signing and reading at Borders Columbus Circle, launching Sandra's New York book tour.
Sandra Guzmán is an award-winning multimedia journalist with more than two decades experience in broadcast, newspaper and magazine journalism. Guzmán is the former editor-in-chief of Latina magazine and was also a former associate editor at The New York Post, here she edited nearly a dozen feature sections, including Tempo and a section she created that covered the city's Latino community. Guzmán's The New Latina's Bible, is the predecessor to her first book, The Latina's Bible: The Latina's Guide to Love, Family, Spirituality and La Vida.

Afterwards we headed to the Empire Hotel Rooftop afterparty for a few drinks with Guzmán, Rosie Perez, Telemundo Acesso Total's new correspodent Madelyn Rodriguez, producer/writer/actress Elaine Del Valle, actor Jimmy Smits and others. The events were a greats success and we were super proud to be a part of something so influential to the Latina community.
Then Samantha was off the Miami for the weekend...and me, covering for her at work -____-

The Camarena Tequila Taco Truck which arrived in New York on May 19th, will be a criss-crossing the city until June 28th hitting various venues and events...for free! Yea, thats right, the Camarena Tequila Taco Truck will be serving up crispy tacos filled with pastor and tequila-spiked pineapple salsa, tequila-marinated chicken taquitos and even a pinto bean taco with a shot of tequila in the bean pot (must be 21 and over though). All these delicious snacks were created by chef, Jesse R. Vega (of Suenos Restuarant). Want to get your hands on these tasty tacos?! There's three ways to find the truck (1) "like" Camarena Tequila on facebook and keep an eye on their virtual truck, (2) follow them in twitter and/or (3) friend them on foursquare for their latest location.
In additions to tequila-infused food, Camarena served up some deliciously smooth cocktails...of course all with tequila! Robicelli's also made an appearance at the launch with dozens and dozens of mini-cupcakes with...yea that's right, tequila! Who knew you could cook so many good things with tequila (lol)?
Til' next time...
Song of the Week: "Party Rock" - LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
xo, Jessica
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