Video Song: Sexy Bitch - Akon ft. David Guetta
Hey Guys!,
I'm missing the interview of Don Omar at Sazon today :/... I'm a little bummed about that because he is my fave reggeaton artist. Here at the ULM offices Jess and I are working on executing couple of events, Talentino’s video/single release party, award winning comedian, Ruperto Vanderpool and we are preparing for Acoustic Tuesdays at guess where? …But Sazon of course (trying to keep it in the family).
So, Jess and I had the privilege to attend a couple of neat showcases. We went to see the screening of Pastport Cuba: In Search of Nikolita. It was actually a very touching documentary, I loved it!!! It's a true inspiring story of swimwear designer, Nicole Di Roccio who grew up trying to “fit in” in California. In the process of fitting in she lost her connection to her Cuban heritage. In this documentary she embarks on a journey to reconnect with her culture, in a home left behind by her parents more than 50 years ago. It was very intriguing to see moments that Si TV was able to capture and bring to the scene. The Search for Nicolita captures her quest to find a model to represent her Cuba-inspired line. Her swimwear is so classy/sexy it gives off the 60’s pin-up girl look. It's very flattering for us curvaceous, bootylicous Latinas! (hehe) I really loved the options she has. I truly enjoyed the VIP screening and felt a connection with Nicole in various ways. It was very emotional to see her journey to Cuba with her family for the very FIRST TIME. Being born in New Rochelle, I can relate to her in loosing a little bit of my roots, for example speaking Spanish! I DON’T REGRET MUCH IN LIFE, except not learning to speak Spanish because I was trying to fit in :/. However as I got older I‘ve embraced my culture so much more and I’m proud to be COLOMBIAN, it also makes me want to go back to see and learn more about my history. Do you know where you originally come from?
On Monday, November 8th we linked up with the Urban Latino/Radio family at the Hennessy Artistry event that was sponsored by Univision Radio (X96.3 FM). We celebrated at uptown hot spot, called “Vin-Tich”. They had a performance by chart-topping Dominican recording sensation Sensato "Del Patio". You might know him better as the artist of the hit single "Watagatapitusberry"! Laura Stylez was the host of this event as well! It was dope seeing her again after working with her back when used to host parties at Club Miami on behalf of La Kalle. (Thanks for the shoutout Laura!)

OMG! I’m SO IN LOVE with this song “Sure Thing”- Miguel
xo, Samantha
What's up!

On Monday, Samantha and I attended a special VIP screening of Si TV's PASTPORT CUBA: The Search for Nicolita. In this one-hour documentary, Nicole Di Rocco fulfills her life-long dream of traveling to Cuba, the birthplace of her parents, and searches for the perfect fashion model who will embody the essence of her “1950s Cuba-inspired” swimwear collection. It was truly a moving story, especially as you see her parents visit their childhood stomping grounds, that they haven't seen in over 50 years!! It was an emotional journey for all that were involved...I even teared a bit. For Nicole, the journey comes full circle for her, having experienced her heritage first hand, as opposed to through pictures and stories, and being able to bring her new understanding of her culture into her work. (Her line is awesome btw, definitely picking up a Nicolita swimsuit before the summer.) The documentary however, kept it very PC. While emotionally moving, the documentary unfortunately does not give any in-depth explanations about Nicole's parents original exodus from Cuba or their reluctance over returning. There also aren't any discussions about the political, social, or economical climates the country. Overall though, a good sure to check out it out on Si TV, click here for showtimes.

This past Monday, Samantha and I had the opportunity to attend a Hennessy Artistry event - Latino style. Past Hennessy Artistry events have been epic with acts like The Roots, Q-Tip and more. If I'm not mistaken this is the first time that Hennessy has tried to hit the Latino market with an event like this. The theme behind the Hennessy Artistry events is to celebrate "the art of blending." For this event Hennessy joined forces with x96.3 FM at Vin-Tich Lounge (the name cracks me up lol). DJs - DJ Lobo and DJ Yonny (of 92.3 Now) had the crowd moving, Laura Stylez (who have us a drop!) was the host, Bronx-bred Sensato Del Patio gave a live performance and Hennessy was flowing. Sensato gave a good performance that was a unique blend of merengue, hip hop, electro pop and dance music. He also performed his hit single, "Watagatapitusberry." I'd like to s/o Janice Torres (of Social Butterflies at Work), Melissa Sweets (love her, she keeps it real! lol) and the rest of the Urban Latino Radio family for a great time!
As far as the personal situations Samantha and I touched upon last post...its better, not completely resolved but definitely on its way.
Happily ever after is definitely on my we'll see how it goes.
Song of the week : "Lights Please" - J.Cole
xo, Jessica
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